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What legalities/paperwork do I need to be put in order when selling my property?

Selling a property involves several critical legalities and paperwork that must be properly organised to ensure a smooth transaction. Below is a list of the essential documents and certifications you need to prepare:

1. Building Energy Rating Certificate (BER)

A Building Energy Rating (BER) certificate is mandatory when selling a property. This certificate provides an indication of the energy performance of a building and is valid for ten years. It’s essential for potential buyers to understand the energy efficiency of the property.

2. Title Deeds

Title deeds are crucial documents that prove your ownership of the property. They contain details about the property, including its boundaries and any rights of way. Ensure these documents are up-to-date and accurate.

3. Land Registry Map

A Land Registry map clearly outlines the physical boundaries of your property. This map is essential for both you and the buyer to confirm the exact location and extent of the property being sold.

4. Land Registry Instrument – Septic Tank Registration

If your property includes a septic tank, you must provide a land registry instrument showing the septic tank registration. This document ensures that the septic system complies with environmental regulations.

5. Planning Certification

Planning certification confirms that any construction or modifications to the property comply with local planning regulations. This document is vital to demonstrate that the property meets all legal requirements.

6. PPS

Your Personal Public Service (PPS) Number is a unique reference number that helps you access public services and information in Ireland.

7. Local Property Tax

Ensure that all Local Property Tax (LPT) payments are up-to-date. You may need to provide evidence of LPT compliance to the buyer. This can include receipts or a statement from the tax authority.


Organising these documents and certifications is crucial for a successful property sale. Having everything in order not only smooths the transaction process but also builds trust with potential buyers, ensuring a hassle-free sale. If you’re unsure about any of these requirements, consider consulting with a real estate professional or legal advisor.

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